You are viewing posts in: Event

ProPublica and NJ Spark Host VICE News’s Jason Leopold

ProPublica and NJ Spark Host VICE News’s Jason Leopold

NJ Spark is proud to announce our first event held in partnership with ProPublica and sponsored by our partner, the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation. The idea to bring VICE News investigative reporter Jason Leopold, often referred to as a “Freedom of Information Act terrorist”, to New Jersey was born from an event held by the […]

Bringing Journalists And Residents to The Same Table

Bringing Journalists And Residents to The Same Table

The future of journalism lies not in building the right app, but in developing deep and meaningful connections between newsrooms and the communities they serve. With the business of journalism so unstable in an age of mergers and newsroom layoffs, there is widespread concern about how to pay for the kind of professional news reporting […]