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NJ Health Insurance Company excludes Seven Catholic Hospitals from New Plan, Suit Claims

NJ Health Insurance Company excludes Seven Catholic Hospitals from New Plan, Suit Claims

By Heather Krause Catholic hospitals in New Jersey are being discriminated against, according to a lawsuit filed by St. Peter’s Hospital. Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield is a well-known New Jersey health insurance company that has been around since 1932. This company goes by the saying, “We don’t just work in New Jersey, we live […]

Breaking The Cycle of Mass Incarceration Is The Way To Second Chances

Breaking The Cycle of Mass Incarceration Is The Way To Second Chances

President Obama visited Newark one month ago to discuss issues in criminal justice, specifically the overcrowding of prisons, taxpayers’ expense, the challenges in rehabilitation, and the struggles prisoners face after being released. His visit was part of a White House initiative to break the cycle of mass incarceration, and decrease recidivism among formerly incarcerated prisoners returning […]